Love is undeniable, and it is seen in the significance we attribute to our connections with others

Keywords: Business

They serve as our legacy in this world, reflections of who we are and opportunities for growth. The manner in which we make others feel, the extent to which we see and hear them – these acts stand as the most authentic testimony to our character and offer a perpetual chance for self-improvement.

I blog for the community

Keywords: blogging , questions , friendship , social anxiety , blogging , blog love , blog community , friendship , nablopomo , wordiness , extremely online

To keep in touch with people, and learn about their dogs and their kiddos and their aspirations and their frets and their passions and their own everyday putterings. And I feel like I’ve found that community. Twice, now – once before the days of Twitter, which I blame, perhaps unreasonably, for the sharp decline in blogging in the later half of the last decade, and again in the past few years, with a handful of stalwart bloggers who’ve bridged the distance between the two. I love that some of those friendships have bloomed beyond the confines of our separate blogs.

I ask that you allow for me to make genuine connections and friendships

Keywords: {0}

find a group or a church. Somewhere you can find likeminded people that are the same age as you and struggling with the same problems. Meeting people isn’t always easy and the main excuse I hear is “I don’t want to go alone” but I can promise you that the second you take the step of showing up alone, you’ll find your people and never be alone again.